After failing again and again with the same physical therapy or chiropractic adjustment, you’ll need to find another way to get relief from pain —especially when the muscle and nervous system are involved. A Repetitive Motion Injury, also known as Repetitive Strain Injuries, or Cumulative Trauma Disorders are a class of injuries and illnesses associated with repeated biomechanical stress over time. All of these injuries refer to some type of damage of the musculoskeletal system and are under a broad category of injuries called Musculoskeletal Disorders. These injuries especially occur from sports such as running or overloading the body from weight lifting. Over time, you eventually cause the musculoskeletal system to give out and you feel pain. The musculoskeletal system won’t allow you to keep doing damaging things to your joints and muscles. So, to get you to pay attention to a repetitive injury, the body gives you a pain signal such as inflammation, painful motion, or even more debilitating symptoms.
If you have had your fair share of ups and downs when it comes to sports injuries or work related injuries, you know how frustrating it is when you want to stay consistent and be persistent in your progress and a nagging injury stops you. It may be time to seek out and experience a Theralase practitioner who personally helps you with the ups and downs of repetitive injuries. Theralase laser therapy is fast becoming the perfect match for patients who have stopped getting results from physical therapy, chiropractic or acupuncture alone.
Laser therapy by itself and/or combined with chiropractic and physical therapy will give you a brand new stimulus for healing. Theralase lasers are superpulsed class 3B lasers, and the TLC-2000 has a patented cell sensing device to calculate the dose each individual patient requires. The advantage of this technology makes it a superior choice for doctors and patients. Each office visit, the patient is given the right application mode and dose. The Theralase uses the 905 nm and 640 nm wavelength so that treatment results in faster and better healing.
The idea of combining laser with traditional physical therapy and chiropractic is not new, especially to athletes. High-end athletes use laser to speed up the repair process from injuries which can be a game changer for a runner with an ankle injury, hamstring injury or lower back pain.
I realized how important personalized and customized care is, especially when it comes to athletes. Adding Theralase to my practice has a big advantage over other modalities—laser helps alleviate pain, inflammation, and promotes tissue regeneration. I can help athletes get back to running, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, and other sports as soon as possible. Theralase is part of my program to build healthier, more stable, more durable athletes.
Dr. Tucker Jeffrey, D.C., DACRB

Total Health Back & Neck Pain
Los Angeles, CA, United States
For more on helping improve athletes’ recovery times, and other pain management techniques using laser therapy, please register for our 6-part Webinar series which starts on Wednesday, June 28, 2017.
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