Therapeutic Lasers for
As frontline health care practitioners, Podiatrists see injured patients struggling to manage their pain and regain their mobility every day. Podiatrists diagnose and treat patients with ailments and injuries to alleviate pain and restore their mobility.
As part of an ongoing treatment care plan, cold lasers can help accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pain in patients, and add considerable value to your practice.
More than 4,000 studies worldwide have examined the use of low-level laser therapy, proving the benefits of this highly effective, non-invasive, and pain-free treatment alternative for a wide range of nerve, muscle, and joint conditions.
Theralase® therapeutic lasers expose tissue to light energy (photons) on two wavelengths, triggering a chain of different chemical reactions on the cellular level that initiate tissue healing and pain reduction. As the most scientifically and clinically supported therapeutic medical laser technology on the market, Theralase’s® patented superpulsed cold laser system penetrates up to 5 inches in depth, targeting tissue other light-based systems are unable to reach. This cutting-edge technology provides customized and optimized treatment for each patient, automatically adjusting to deliver the most effective treatment to even the deepest injury sites.
Most effective treatment to even the deepest injury sites
Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)
Capsulitis / Heel Bursitis
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
Post-Surgical Wounds
Plantar Fasciitis
Calcaneal Heel Spurs
Diabetic Neuropathy
Ankle Sprain
Achilles Tendinosis
Shin Splints

Theralase® patented, super-pulsed, non-thermal Class 3B lasers activate all three known cellular pathways.

Accelerate Healing
660 nm Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Pathway
Theralase® stimulates the mitochondria of the cell to produce more Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP or basic cell energy) to accelerate tissue repair. (Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015)

Reduce Inflammation
905 nm Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway
Independent research proves that the proprietary Theralase® 905nm superpulsed laser technology increases the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) by over 700%, increasing vasodilation and decreasing inflammation versus other competitive wavelengths. (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2009)

Eliminate Pain
905 nm Lipid Absorption Pathway
Theralase® laser technology effectively removes the pain signal at source by rebalancing the sodium potassium pump. (Harvard Medical School, 2010)
safe & effective treatment of pain
Treatable podiatric conditions
Theralase® cool laser therapy systems have been approved by both Health Canada and the FDA for the safe and effective treatment of pain associated with chronic knee conditions.
*While over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the efficacy of cold laser technologies in treating a host of other conditions, Theralase® lasers have not received explicit approval for these applications. In-clinic treatment of other conditions is at the sole discretion of the healthcare practitioner and may include the following:

Unlike LED and competitor laser technologies, Theralase’s® patented TLC-2000 dual wavelength superpulsed cold lasers penetrate up to 5 inches into tissue to help accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pain at even the deepest sites.
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If you are interested in clinical literature, please check out the following Podiatry Abstracts
Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with Laser Therapy
The ultimate objective of all practitioners is to maximize treatment efficacy. More and more Podiatrists are learning about the therapeutic power of laser technology as a natural, pain-free modality to treat chronic foot conditions such as diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy.
Come along to this insightful webinar session to hear treatment best practices and clinical case studies from fellow Podiatrists, and how this is not only increasing their efficacy, but significantly impacting their businesses for the better!
Dr. Ben Sefcik
Doctor of Podiatry Medicine
Dr. Sefcik was awarded his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Degree from Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in May 2007. He subsequently went to Pontiac, Michigan and completed a 2-year primary care and surgical residency program. During his training, he completed multiple procedures
Dr. Sefcik works at Harmony Foot and Ankle Clinics. They are fully equipped to handle all the podiatric needs, including checkups, treatments, and surgery. Dr. Sefcik strives to take care of his patients’ symptoms and the cause of their pain. His goal is to keep his patients on their feet and working.
Dr. Kel Sherkin
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, FACFO, FCPSMA, FAAAFS
Since opening my practice in 1976, I have immersed myself in the art and science of Podiatry. I believe that our feet really are the most used and abused parts of our bodies, so I've devoted my career to helping patients of all ages to overcome foot related problems and enjoy a better quality of life. I obtained my degree as a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia. I completed my surgical residency programme at JFK Memorial Hospital in Stratford, New Jersey. I was the President and Co-founder of the Canadian Podiatric Sports Medicine Academy.
I am a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics, the Canadian Podiatric Sports Medicine Academy, and the American Academy of Ambulatory Foot Surgery. I am presently the President of the Ontario Podiatric Medical Association(OPMA). I am an international speaker on the subject of Podiatry and in 1987 co-authored The Complete Handbook of Athletic Footwear (Fairchilds Publications). An active runner and walker, I enjoy working with young athletes each year as Director of the "Fit Feet" Healthy Athlete Screening Programme of Special Olympics, where I hold two positions as Canadian and Ontario Director. I also served as Official Team Podiatrist for the Toronto Argonauts.